- Description
- Primary Use
- Advantages
- Uses in Manufacturing
- Composition
- Dosage and Mixing
- Packaging and Storage
WATER-TITE POWDER prevents passage of water through concrete renders and mortars. It also stops water absorption. By a physical action WATER-TITE POWDER seals the surface of the concrete, making it non-absorptive. The waterproofing ingredient of WATER-TITE POWDER is insoluble in water and therefore becomes a permanent constituent of hardened concrete.
It also contains an air-entraining plasticizer (CE Approved), which allows a reduction to be made in water content of the mix whilst maintaining workability and the final strength of the concrete or mortar. WATER-TITE POWDER does not adversely affect setting time.
Primary Use
- To waterproof pre-cast concrete and reconstructed stone products.
- To waterproof concrete and cement rendering.
- For waterproofing of concrete masses and mortar.
- WATER-TITE’s waterproof element is insoluble in water.
- WATER-TITE has a higher range concentration of effective waterproofing medium than any other cement waterproofing compound yet available in the country.
- WATER-TITE becomes permanent constituent of the hardened concrete and cannot evaporate or deteriorate.
- WATER-TITE in the cement paste, which surrounds and binds the aggregate, seals the surface and concrete mass rendering them non-absorptive.
- WATER-TITE does not change the setting time of the cement, reduce strength of concrete or corrode reinforcement.
- WATER-TITE has no chemical reaction. Its action is physical and positive and is thus permanent.
- WATER-TITE ensures water cannot penetrate or be absorbed into the concrete; hence it prevents movement that can arise from intermittent wetting with a resultant reduction in surface crazing.
- WATER-TITE works by sealing the surface, reconstructed stonework stays cleaner longer and has greater resistance to attack from atmospheric acids.
Uses in Manufacturing
Reconstructed Stonework
It is a known fact that one of the major causes of surface crazing in reconstructed stonework is due to the strains and stresses that are set up from intermittent wetting of the stonework. The strain set up by sudden expansion, which is quickly followed by a contraction, weakens the bond between aggregate and cement and over a short period of time surface crazing develops, the movement strain being so great that the bond between cement and aggregate can be broken and in certain instances the aggregate itself splits.
The incorporation of an efficient water proofer at the time of manufacture and mixing will help to counteract crazing, providing of course that the water proofer not only prevents water penetration but also water absorption. The use of WATER-TITE POWDER will impart these qualities.
Reinforced Pre-cast Concrete Products
In the manufacture of fence posts and similar products, it can be difficult to give sufficient coverage to the reinforcement. The result is that if the concrete is not watertight the reinforcement will corrode.
Corrosion will cause the concrete to split in line with the reinforcement causing scaling and gradual disintegration of the concrete post. The incorporation of WATER-TITE POWDER will help prevent this.
Concrete Pipes
In concrete pipe manufacture, impermeable concrete is essential but is not always achieved. The addition of WATER-TITE POWDER acts as a safety margin in ensuring that the concrete is always watertight and non-absorptive. In making the concrete non-absorptive it has higher resistance to the attack of acidified soil, effluents and strong alkaline water.
Concrete Wall Cladding
The prevention of rain penetration is not only essential for structural reasons but it is also an important factor in preventing surface discoloration from the smoke laden and acidified atmosphere.
WATER-TITE POWDER is an off-white powder containing a blend of selected metallic stearates with plasticizer. Contains no chlorides or nitrates.
Dosage and Mixing
WATER-TITE POWDER is used at the rate of 1kg per 50kg of cement used. The WATER-TITE POWDER can be pre-mixed dry with the cement, or alternatively, it can be tipped into the mixer at the time the cement is added to the aggregate.
Avoid over working.